EASTER LESSON 1- by Rev Akaninyene AKPAN
“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he give up his spirit” (Matt. 27:50).
About two thousands years ago, on a day like this, Jesus was hung on a tree as an accursed, having taken the sin of the whole world upon himself (Gal. 3:13). He did that in order to serve as a substitute, a scape goat for sinners who were supposed to die and go to Hell. Every soul that sins, the Bible says shall die (Ezekiel 18:4)
On this day two thousand years ago, Jesus went through a lot of torture physically, emotionally, and psychologically in order to fulfill the Scripture which says that without the shedding of the blood, there shall be no remission of sin (Hebrews 9:22).
All manner of ill – treatment, insults, and dehumanization was meted out to him. But interestingly, he did not defend himself nor fight back, just so that he would accomplish why he came into the world – to save sinners from their sin (Matthew 1:21).
Considering all the anguish, sorrow, and brutality he endured, on a day like this 2000 years ago, what then makes it qualified to be called “good Friday”? Why should we say that the day an innocent man, a man whom the Bible says went about doing good, healing all that were sick and delivering all that were oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38), a man who knew no sin (2Corinth. 5:20), be said to be “good”. Why, why is such a day that reminds us of the gruesome murder of a good fellow be “good”?
We’ll, today is a good Friday because of the implication of that event to mankind. It was the day that humanity was reconciled back to their creator by the death of this sinless Savior whose blood alone is qualified to atone for the sin of humanity. Today is “good” because without this day, there would be no hope for salvation. It was on this day that the precious blood of the Lamb of God was shed on the cross of Calvary to wash away our sin. A song writer wrote:
“What wash away our sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What makes a sinner saved? Nothing but the blood of Jesus….”
Romans 5:9 says “Since we have been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! “. This is why today is a “good” Friday”, the day Jusus’ blood was spilled to justify us before a holy God.
What a day for someone out there who have not accepted Jesus as his or her personal Savior to take advantage of and make that decision! Please if you are yet to receive Jesus into your life, it’s a good opportunity to do that – even now. Otherwise if you don’t make that decision, you are indirectly telling God that he made a mistake to have sent his only begotten Son into this world to accomplish this great assignment of hanging on the cross to purchase the salvation of the world (including yours)with his precious blood. And do you know how God sees you? He sees you as a wicked man or woman for rejecting his greatest gift ever. And if death meets you in that condition, you’ll have yourself, and no one else to blame.
Therefore, make that all – important decision now. Open your heart and invite Jesus into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour. Ask him to forgive your sin and empower you to live for him beginning from this moment. Believe in what you have just done and begin to thank him for saving your soul.
God bless you.
Rev AKPAN is a minister of God based in Lagos, Nigeria. His church is in partnership with the Ministry Of the Word(MOW).