Text: Psalm 103:2
“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:” Psalm 103:2 (KJV)
The soul is an intangible part of the human body. It constitutes the will, intellect, and emotions. The seat of the soul is the mind. Thus, whether you feel sad or excited, it is an expression of your soul. The psalmist understood this, so he commanded his soul to bless God and it obeyed him.
Dear beloved, have you ever commanded your soul to do the will of God? It is the will of God that we bless Him in whatever state we find ourselves (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Beloved, you are in charge of your soul, so you can control it to do the desire of God. There are many things to bless God for, and the psalmist enumerated some of them.
First, He forgives us of our sins and heals our diseases; thus diseases may have a direct relationship with the sins or iniquities we commit (Psalm 103:3, Matthew 9:2–7). Second, He redeems our lives from destruction and crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies; therefore we can always count on the unconditional love of God. Third, He satisfy our mouths and years with good things and renews our strength like the eagle’s. No wonder we go to bed in the evening tired but wake up in the morning feeling refreshed. Fourth, He executes righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. Beloved, you can see that there are a lot of things to be grateful for, so never allow your soul to be downcast even in times of trouble. Live a life of gratitude by commanding your soul to bless God, and He will always be ready to help you (Psalm 46:1). Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
My loving Father, I’m so grateful for your Word. I have made up my mind today to live a life of always showing gratitude to you by commanding my soul to bless you even in times of trouble and pain. Please keep reminding me never to go back on my decision, and I will keep blessing you, in Jesus’ name. Amen!
I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Lord; Your Word and Your Spirit they comfort me. Psalms 23:41
“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Romans 13:1
2 Peter 3
Pastor Raphael is based in Lagos.
Email: shalomvoice01@yahoo.com
He is a minister of God in Christ Apostolic Church Promised Land Lagos, and is in partnership with the ministry of the Word (MOW).
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