4 July 2014
Text: ” O Lord,I have heard thy speech and was afraid: O Lord revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy” Habakkuk 3:2.
I sincerely thank everyone for finding time to read our messages as it is our belief that God will use His word to bless His people.
Friends, the season of revival is come and it’s NOW. Now is the set time.
From our text the cry for revival is made in the midst of the years, and here we are in the midst of the year.
We must rise for revival, none is exempted.
A keen believer will observe that in the book of Revelation, chapters 2&3, God took time to visit seven Churches with commendations and reprehension on their strength and weaknesses.
He called on the Churches, as a matter of urgency to consider their weaknesses and make amend; if you like, quickly repent.
It should be noted that ” …For the Lord seeth not as man seeth;….” 1Sam. 16:7
One of the Churches was rebuked for loss of fervency in love. ” because thou has left your first love” Rev.2:4.
Another was rebuked for lukewarmness ” thou art neither cold nor hot” Rev.3:15-17.
One was strongly commended and that an open door (of greater glory) was set before her; for though she had little strength, had kept the faith (Rev.3:7-8).
The scriptures continued that He is standing at every individual’s heart knocking for revival.(Rev.3:20). Please read through Rev.2&3.
Revival is the breaking forth of the life of God in an individual. Seeking the Lord till He comes and rain righteousness upon us. ” Then shall your light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy rear guard” Is.58:8
Revival is a new beginning of obedience to God. It is God’s move. It is reawakening and rekindling of dying spirit. The reawakening from despondency and faithlessness.
Revival simply means the dead aspect of your spiritual life or walk with God coming back to life.
The messages of Jesus Christ are for the Will and the Conscience, not just for the head. If you dispute the message with your head, you will blunt the appeal to your heart. Many know about Jesus without absolute trust in Him with their lives
Many know about God in the mind and intellect, without a relationship with Him in the heart. It is a known truth that the head relates with the senses while the heart( man’s spirit) yearns for God, His Life and Promises.
Many have lost personal passion, love and heart- felt devotion to the Almighty God. Having attitude and belief that don’t line up with God and Scripture; walking in the flesh.
Revival is a change of life . It is living the Bible and not just reading the Bible; neither is it the opening of the Bible but the opening of the heart in man. It’s increase in Christ – likeness, a transformed life and not a reformed life.
Revival must affect every area of our lives – spiritual, mental and physical. Our Lord Jesus came ministering to us in all these areas. ( Lk.4:18)
Spiritual revival must touch our characters, attitudes, habits, motives and words.
When a believer cannot be differentiated in words, deeds and character from an unbeliever, then he or she needs a revival. Decay in character results in carnality, such persons need a revival.
It is a season of the outpouring of the Spirit of Grace and Supplication upon our souls to enhance our prayer life, Bible studies, Evangelism, giving , relationship, love to God and one to one another.
When you are cold to prayers, studying of God’s Word; you need a revival. When you begin to prefer the permissive will of God to His absolute Will, you need a revival. When you begin to be impatient on issues including God’s promises; you need a revival.
In revival , fallow grounds are broken and the rain of righteousness would flood souls of men.( Hosea10:22). It is to return to the Lord and He will return to you. It is to repair the broken down altar and lay aside every weight and sin which doth easily beset us and focus on the heavens race that is set before us. It is to look unto Jesus.
Revival will cause men to live in time and for eternity under the eye of God, by His help and Grace.
Revival will cause men to seek repentance , salvation and redemption. They will seek Jesus Christ.
Of course there will be healing, miracles, anointing, prosperity, diverse blessings and no barrenness in the land.
You need revival to stay above board as a believer in these times.
Give yourself proper self assessment and use this season to seek God for your good. Seek His face casting all cares upon Him. Seek Him for your father’s house , family, career, business, the body of Christ, Nigeria and the world over.
Please don’t hide your identity as a believer in whatever circumstance.
I love you all. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you: The Lord lift up His Countenance upon you, and give you peace in Jesus great name. Amen.
Pastor Bassey Usungedo, is a trustee of MOW, and writes regularly from Calabar, Nigeria. He is very passionate about the word of God.