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A Call to Prayer- June 2012
Prayer is the voice of the QUICKENED ONE that makes known its petition to God in the name of Jesus.
Prayer is the pouring out of one’s soul before the lord (1 sam 1:15).
Prayer is the platform where divine help is released. At the altar of prayer we meet with God and take delivery of the needed help (Heb 4: 16).
There is no circumstance or situation under the sun that is not subject to change if we pray .
‘’Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matt 6: 10’’
It must be heaven’s will on earth or nothing.
‘’For everyone that asketh, receiveth and everyone that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, the door shall be opened. Lk 11:10’’
God has assured His children of effecting the needed change; therefore we must rise up to our responsibilities. Eph 3:20; Phil 4:19
‘’ For they had sworn with all their heart and sought him with their whole desire and HE WAS FOUND OF THEM, and the Lord gave them rest round about ‘’
But can we really trust and believe God? Has the believer a better alternative than seeking God in prayer?
God is a great God. He is the Almighty and all sufficient God. He is trust worthy, he cannot lie nor deny Himself. Let us allow God have His way. Num 23: 19, Heb 6: 16 – 18.
Hannah took delivery of her glorious destiny and barrenness was terminated, 1 sam 1: 6 – 20, 1 sam 2:21
Jacob took delivery of his glorious destiny also at the altar of prayer Gen 32:24 – 26. Earlier in his life, his mother thought she could help to forge his destiny; arm of the flesh?
Jabez was born with misfortune but he stood before God in prayer.The answer was glorious as Jabez’s destiny changed. 1chro 4: 9-10
Let us go on our knees before the Father of our lord Jesus Christ for the entire creation is waiting for our manifestation (manifestations of the sons of God) Rom 8: 19. The change is sure and eminent in Jesus name, Amen.
Stay blessed as you pray.