Title: Discipleship Series – Wholehearted Followership By Bro Akpan Akaninyene
Date: 26 Mar 14
Hello beloved in the Lord, You're blessed! Today, in our series, we are looking at "Wholehearted following" as a characteristic of a disciple. In the book of Matt. 16:24,25, Jesus said "... if any would come after me, he MUST deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." And in Mark 10:28, " Peter said to him, we have left EVERYTHING to follow you." Being a disciple is not just about identifying with Jesus or a local church; its not about being a communicant, that is regularly partaking in communion; or being baptized. Its not about being a tither; neither is it about putting a big Bible either in front or at the back of ones automobile, or displaying a bumper sticker on our windscreen or on the door of our house ( I've seen a lot of these stuff). As good as these things may be, being a disciple of Jesus is much more than these put together. It is following Him wholeheartedly, which will culminate in "... that where I am, there ye will be also"(John 14:3b). You see, beloved, discipleship is costly, but at the end of the day, it pays off. Being a disciple means leaving everything, and follow Him. Apostle Paul puts it this way "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count thembut dung, that I may win Christ." KJV. A disciple is a man or woman who is ready to let go of all in order to lay hold of Christ , and of eternity. He or she is one who values his or her relationship with the master; who desires the Kingdom morethan anything else, if need be in order to attain it. May this be our attitude as well. Remain blessed, and keep enjoying His grace in Jesus' name. Rev. A. U. Akpan is the president of Faith Activation Global Ministries, Lagos, Nigeria. He can be reached on 2348034041964.