The Big Challenge! By Bro Bassey Usungedo

Title: The Big Challenge! By Bro Bassey Usungedo

Date: 10th March, 2014


Beloved, Jesus Christ is Lord.
Please come let’s reason together on the challenge of our time-
We are not just saved to be “channels only” but to be Sons and Daughters of our Great God. We are not turned into spiritual mediums, but into spiritual messengers. Therefore being messengers , the message must be part of ourselves.
In Heb.1:2, the scripture reads that God “hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son,…”.
The Son was His message and His messenger (please reference last week’s message).
Jesus said In Gospel Jn.20:21, “ my Father hath sent me , so send I you”.
The Father commissioned the Son as His message and messenger; and the Son has also commissioned us as the message and the messengers.
Apostle Paul puts it very succinctly :
“You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men…” 2 Cor.12:2-3.
To whom much is given much is required. It is therefore imperative that we possess and exhibit the fear of God, the love of God, His character, godliness, God’s righteousness, holiness, peace and joy. See the fruits of the Spirit in Gal.5:22-24.
We should also seek and subject ourselves to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Matt.3:11; Lk.11:9-13.
Our Lord Jesus was born of the Holy Ghost and was eventually baptised of the Holy Ghost – Lk.1:30-35;Matt.3:16 – 17; Jn. 3:34.
Friends, God’s power and anointing dwell in the Holy Ghost – Lk. 24:49;
Acts 1:8; Acts 2;Acts of the Holy Ghost 4:20-31,33.
Remember that the earnest expectation of the creation waits for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God- Rm. 8:19-21.
So live the word , divorce sin, shone peer pressure and political pressure.Let our lives speak and be a challenge to the world. Grace is released in Jesus name.