“Henceforth there is laid for me a crown ? of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing”. (2Tim. 4:8).
The crown of righteousness is the crown reserved for every believer who has overcome this world system and has his or her name written in the lamb’s book of life (REV. 3:21).
The Apostle Paul spoke of it with confidence and ernest expectation. That should be the target of every Christian because it is the greatest award to win in life. Every athlete aims at an award at the end of every competition he or she participates in. Likewise as Christians we are in a race for heaven, and the joy of running a race is to receive a prize at the end of the race.
The Apostle talks about “on that day” Which day? The day we shall meet the Lord, the righteous, impartial, and faithful judge who rewards everyone according to his works (Matt. 16:27, Rev. 22:12). “That day” refers to the day of judgement, an unavoidable day when we shall all appear before the judgement seat of Christ to be rewarded according to how we lived. (2Cor. 5:10)
This much coveted crown is reserved for “those who long for his appearing” Though everyone will desire to wear that crown, disappointingly, it is only those who long for his appearing and consequently keep themselves pure from the corruption of this present world, who do everything within their power to avoid stain or wrinkles or any other blemish shall be qualified to wear that crown. (Eph. 5:27).
To be qualified to wear this most coveted crown, we, like Paul the Apostle must fight “the good fight of faith”. We must keep faith with the one we’re living in expectation of. Faithfulness is the watchword. The race for the kingdom of God entails a fight, a struggle, an unrelenting effort, and a pressing forward. Apostle Paul says “I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14).
That should be our attitude as well, we have to be violent against everything that is capable of jeopardising our chance.
I pray we’ll not miss our crown in Jesus’ name. Stay blessed, and keep living in expectation of His coming.
Revd. A. U. Akpan is the President of FAITH ACTIVATION GLOBAL MINISTRIES, Lagos, Nigeria.
Faith Activation Global Ministries is in divine partnership with The Ministry of the Word.