24 AUGUST 2014
True Spirituality (TS).
Improving our Spiritual Understanding.
Theme: The Power of Expectation.
Memory Verse:
“For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off” (Prov 23:18).
The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off. What you hold unto faithfully, shall come to pass, provided it is in line with the word of God. What are your daily expectations when you get up in the morning? There is power in your expectations. Your daily expectations are related to the level of your FAITH, which increases with hearing the word of God.
You might have been born again for years, but if you expect NOTHING daily, you get NOTHING. Your faith and expectations are predominantly related to your thoughts, imaginations and knowledge. Remember, as a man thinketh in his heart so is he (Prov 23:7).
Beloved, your heavenly Father is not limited in anything. He is unlimited in power, knowledge, wisdom, understanding etc. He has more than PHD in every available subject under the sun. He is present everywhere at ALL TIMES(no other BEING shares this divine nature). He is the Almighty. With Him, nothing is impossible. He “quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were” (Romans 4:17). Unfortunately, human being tend to limit God in their thoughts, words and actions. Even within the body of Christ (the Church), many children of God limit God. This ought not be so. Most of the time, even in our prayer and asking, we limit Him, despite His assurance:
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us ( Eph 3:20).
Remember, you cannot rise beyond your thoughts and expectations. Your expectation is linked to your faith. In life, it is to you according to your faith ( Matt 9:29).
Henceforth , on a daily basis, expect upward positive change in your life. Jesus is eager to draw you higher and higher if only you are willing to lift Him up in praise, worship, holiness, righteousness etc. He says:
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32).
On a daily basis, let us lift up Jesus in our thoughts, words and deeds. In return, daily expect the FIRE in the Word to purify and sanctify you (Jn 17:17). Expect the wisdom and the power of God to be manifested in your life because this is the divine nature of Christ ( 1 Cor 1:24). Expect goodness and mercy ( Psalm 23:6). Expect God to give you power to get wealth ( Deu 8:18) etc.
Expect daily challenges, but also expect sufficient grace from God to go through the challenges(2Cor 12:9).
Receive increasing spiritual understanding in Jesus name. Amen.
PRAYER: There is someone reading this message, receive the grace to sustain daily high expectation through unbreakable CONNECTION to God through His words in Jesus name. Amen!
Yours in the Vineyard of Christ. Bro Ben Bassey, Iyobosa, & the MOW family.
Spiritual Counselling Helpline:
To further enrich yourself with spiritual materials and health information, please visit: www.ministryoftheword. org;
In the Ministry Of the Word (MOW)-Acts 6:4, we primarily encourage and empower believers to be rich in the words of God: “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom” (Col 3:16). The entrance of the WORD is the true source of LIGHT in a dark world(Ps 119:130). We also encourage believers to speak to one another “in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs(Eph 5:19). We encourage everyone to “seek first the kingdom of God his righteousness”..Matt 6:33). We stress that: Righteousness exalts a person (Prov 14:34). We emphasize that pure Christianity is about True Spirituality in Christ Jesus. We emphasize that the POWER in the blood of Jesus has set us FREE from all forms of bondage, ignorance, disease and that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2Cor 3:17). Jesus Christ is the Word of God (John 1:1; Rev 19:13). We emphasise that Jesus is the Truth (John 14:6). The words of God are spirit & are Life(John 6:63). We allow the Scriptures to answer all questions. We avoid the dilution, misinterpretation or deliberate corruption of the words of God. We create the awareness that Jesus has made all true believers kings and priests unto God and his Father(Rev 1:6). In addition, aside from soul winning, as a spiritual body, we also empower unbelievers with knowledge using the principles of our Lord Jesus Christ with the understanding that when they witness the power of the living God, they will be compelled to believe and exalt His holy name (Psalm 46:10).
One major objective of MOW is to increasingly improve everyone’s spiritual understanding! Spiritual ignorance is a major cause of human destruction(Hosea 4:6). Indeed, many children of God have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge (Isa 5:13). Indeed, “through knowledge shall the just be delivered” (Prov 11:9).
Please note that the MOW is an initiative and the spiritual arm of Abasi Health Foundation (AHF). AHF is a registered NGO in Nigeria , with the primary objective of empowering all groups of people to optimize their health. It is aimed at encouraging everyone to have increasing awareness of three broad levels of health: Physical, Mental and Spiritual. May God give you the grace of increasing understanding in Jesus Name. Amen. Websites: http//www.ministryoftheword. org; http//www. abasihealthfoundation.org
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever (Hebrews 13:8).