Text: Matthew 25:13 (KJV)
“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” Matthew 25:13 (KJV)
The second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is described as a thief in the night. The day we relax, thinking that He will not come, that will surely be the very day He will come. Jesus Christ is so good that He even gave us the signs of His second coming (Matthew 24:4–30).
Thus every Christian should be expectant of His second coming in order not to miss it. His delay has given room to some speculators to regard the words of Jesus Christ as false. They should remember that His first coming was also surrounded by a lot of mischief from people, yet He came anyway and some people missed Him. No matter how long it will take, He will still come because our God is limitless and has an appointed time for everything.
Our responsibility is to prepare by living a holy life and serving in the various capacities of His work. COVID-19 took many people by surprise, and lots of people died, even those who thought they would live a couple of years more. Some might have missed the opportunity to be saved during the pandemic, but those who took advantage of the life God gave them and accepted Jesus Christ will be in heaven to rejoice with Him.
Dear beloved, the future is not promised while you have today. Prepare every day to meet your maker, and you will not regret it like the rich man who died in his sins (Luke 16:19–31). Hallelujah! Be prepared!
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for educating me about the second coming of Jesus Christ. I accept Jesus Christ today as the Lord and personal Savior of my life. Please let me be conscious and always prepared to meet Him. Amen!
I am an overcomer and I overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony. Revelation 12:11
“Glory and honour are in his presence; strength and gladness are in his place.” 1 Chronicles 16:27
2 Timothy 3
Pastor Raphael is based in Lagos.
Email: shalomvoice01@yahoo.com
He is a minister of God in Christ Apostolic Church Promised Land Lagos, and is in partnership with the ministry of the Word (MOW).
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