*Topic*: Do You Know What God Hates? – by Pastor Raphael


*Text*: Psalms 5:4-5

“For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.” Psalms 5:4-5 (KJV)

Knowing what God loves and what He hates can position you for greatness. God loves righteousness, truthfulness, and holiness (Psalms 11:7; 33:5). He hates wickedness, lies, foolishness, and iniquity. Wickedness is the quality of being evil or morally wrong. Iniquity is immoral or grossly unfair behavior.

Dear beloved, it is time to examine your life and get rid of any act of wickedness, lies, foolishness, iniquity, or evil that does not please the LORD (Psalms 1:4–5). These actions can only draw you backward and will ultimately destroy you.

Beloved, delight yourself in acts of righteousness, truthfulness, holiness, and the like, and your life will be filled with progress, peace, and prosperity (Psalms 1:2–3; 37:4). Hallelujah! May God richly bless you!


My loving and holy Father, thank You for teaching me what You hate and what You love. Indeed, You hate wickedness, foolishness, and all manner of evil, but You love righteousness, holiness, truthfulness, and goodness. Please lead and guide me to hate what You hate, and love and do what You love, in order to enjoy progress, peace, and prosperity in Jesus’ name. Amen!


