Word for Today: Abraham’s blessings are mine.

Word for Today:
Abraham’s Blessings are mine.


Ministry Of the Word (MOW): True Spirituality (TS).


Memory Verse

“And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” ( Genesis 12:2-3).


Dearly Beloved
If you are truly connected to the Word, then you are of the seed of Abraham. The blessings of Abraham are yours and to your seeds. You are blessed and no one can reverse it.

Any one who curses you is automatically cursed.

Brethren, the blessings of Abraham can only be yours if you are living in total obedience to the word of God as Abraham himself did. Partial obedience is a major problem in the body of Christ today. Please, be mindful of this.

Stay connected to JESUS, the Word in 2018. Be wise. Be enlightened.

Become a DISCIPLE , an AMBASSADOR and a MISSIONARY for Jesus Christ as you go about your duties.

Keep your thoughts & mind positive, healthy and pure. Be prayerful always and keep praising Him.

Ensure you think no evil against anyone.

Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

Be compassionate and kind to one another.

Thank you JESUS for the healing, signs and wonders you have already started in 2018.

Prayer Point
Dear Father, we pray for everyone sincerely connected to your Word, that the blessings of Abraham be theirs in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Yours in the Vineyard of Christ.
Bro Ben Bassey & the beloved MOW family.

Dr Ben Bassey is a licensed psychiatrist and a spiritual health counselor:

Spiritual Health Counselling Helpline: +447404624293;
Email: benbassey@gmail.com

All scriptures are from KJV, unless otherwise specified. To know more about the Ministry of the Word, please visit:


