Word for Today: Darkness cannot understand LIGHT.

Word for Today :
Darkness cannot understand LIGHT.





Ministry of the Word (MOW): True Spirituality (TS)





Improving Our Spiritual Understanding




True Spiritual Therapy (TST)



Memory Verse


“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not” ( John 1:5).




Darkness and light are not friends. In a sense, darkness is pitiable, because at the appearance of true light, darkness must disappear. Darkness, can never comprehend light. Darkness cannot withstand light.


God hates darkness, hence He commanded light to come out of darkness from the very beginning (Genesis 1:3). Without light there is confusion, stagnation, frustration, failure and hopelessness. Without light, everything is useless.




There can be no true light without fire. The only true source of fire is the word of God. This is why the entrance of the word of God into a man’s spirit and heart, gives light ( Psalm 119:130).




“Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29).





Have a Spirit- filled Sunday




To grow spiritually requires daily meditation with the word of God (Joshua 1:8) and seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness (Matthew 6:33). It also requires total fear of God, and spiritual training in the word of God: “Train yourself to be godly”(1Tim 4:7-8 NIV).





Dear Father, please help us to experience the fire in your word and to desire the fire component of the Holy Spirit in Jesus mighty name. Amen.




Yours in the Vineyard of Christ.

Bro Ben Bassey & the beloved MOW family.



Dr Ben Bassey is a psychiatrist and a spiritual health counsellor resident in the UK. He ministers the word of God to people regularly through the MOW, WordPress Ministry and Abasi Health Foundation (AHF). He is a true disciple, teacher, evangelist, prophet, missionary, and ambassador for Jesus Christ. He has a passion for the Word of God and is a strong Defender of the Truth. He was baptised in the Holy Spirit on the 10th February 2008.




Spiritual Health Counselling Helpline: +447404624293.

Email: ministryofw@gmail.com;





All scriptures are from KJV, unless otherwise specified. MOW is in divine partnership with the Redeemed Christians Church of God (RCCG), Mountain of Fire & Miracles (MFM), Living Faith (Winners Chapel) & every Word based church globally.





Please note that the Ministry Of the Word (MOW) is the initiative and spiritual arm of the Abasi Health Foundation, a registered charity organisation in Nigeria, CAC No 44174, dated 1st April 2011.






The word of God is the true spiritual health therapy. To surrender your life to Jesus Christ and to further enrich yourself with spiritual health information and learn more about True Spiritual Therapy (TST), please visit:








