Word for Today:
In What Ways are you a New Creature?
Ministry of the Word-True Spirituality
Memory Verse
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”(2Corinthian 5:17).
Dearly Beloved
A few Christians have told me that merely quoting the word of God or pages of the Bible is not enough. My response is usually in the affirmative. However, if a person allows the words of God to dwell in his heart/ spirit, it will flow out effortlessly when he opens his mouth because ” … out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” ( Matthew 12:34).
When we read the word of God and share it with others, do we apply the word of God to ourselves? Many of us have accepted Jesus Christ for many years, but are you really a new creature? Have you been able to stop those die hard habits? For example , can you list 5 major changes in your life since you became a Christian? For instance , I used to enjoy occasional social drinking of alcoholic wine or drink until the Lord spoke to me clearly through an incident in November 2007. No preacher preached to me to stop. Similarly, after my ex-wife left me suddenly in July 2008, being human, very occasionally, I used to satisfy my sexual urge through masturbation, until the good Lord spoke to me very loudly in July 2012 through an incident. You can imagine my shock some months later , when a popular television pastor explained to his audience sometime in 2013 that masturbation ‘is not a sin’. I could also recall a ‘born again’ Christian arguing with me in 2012 that Jesus Christ did approve of drinking alcoholic wine or drink and that Jesus himself regularly consumed ‘strong alcoholic drink ‘. My response to him was that he was ‘blaspheming ‘ and he didn’t like it, hence our friendship ended.
I could count situations in my life where the Lord spoke to me through incidents, to drop certain old habits, which on the surface, may not be seen by many as ‘sin’. No preacher was ever involved in the different incidents that the Lord used to shape me. You might have accepted Jesus Christ for many years, in what ways are you a NEW CREATURE? Do you still old on to your old habits? Can you count 5 major habits that you have dropped as a result of giving your life to Christ? Many Christians get angry at the slightest thing and don’t see anything wrong.
Every word of God is to be applied to ourselves. God is making all things new for us. Desire a new life in Christ Jesus. Be transformed:
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2).
Have a Spirit-filled week.
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you Jesus.
Dear Father, please help us to become true new creatures Jesus name. Amen
Yours in the Vineyard of Christ.
Bro Ben Bassey & the beloved MOW family.
Dr Ben Bassey is a psychiatrist and a spiritual health counselor:
Email: benbassey@gmail.com
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