Word for Today: We bless God for Good Friday.


Word for Today: We bless God for Good Friday.

Ministry Of the Word (MOW): True Spirituality (TS).

Memory Verse

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” ( Romans 5:8).

Dearly Beloved

Happy and Joyful Easter 2019 to Everyone.

Today, Good Friday, symbolises the day our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ died for both believers and unbelievers. Jesus resurrected through the power of the Holy Spirit, for both believers and unbelievers (John 11:25). He is the GRACE of God to the sinful humanity .

We bless God for the events of Good and Holy Friday. Wicked people had meant it for evil, but God allowed it for good, to save many lives, like what happened in GENESIS that made Joseph to speak according to Genesis 50:19-21. Truly, death and grave could NOT hold Jesus captive. God will often allow certain challenges to befall us to enable us fulfil our destinies. Whenever you are challenged, always remember that Good Friday was not an easy day for JESUS, but the power of the Holy Spirit of God accomplished everything perfectly for Jesus and humanity.

Some people may question why the day that our messiah was crucified should be called Good Friday. The original meaning is a Holy Friday. We bless God for the crucifixion of Jesus. If Jesus did not carry the cross and experienced crucifixion, there would have been no salvation ; most people would have been death spiritually while yet alive physically.

Please, stay with the Lord today as much as possible. Let Fasting, Prayer and Holiness be your portion this season as much as possible.

Always remember to ask for the WILL of God to be done in your life.

Stay CONNECTED to God in Christ Jesus; the Way, Truth and the Life; the light of the world, also called the Word; Seek knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Be enlightened.

Connect, Change & Live ( CCL).

Be merciful, kind and compassionate with one another.

Have a happy and joyful Easter

Prayer Points
Thank you Father for the events of Good and Holy Friday and for the season of Easter. Jesus is Lord.

Thank you Jesus.

Blood of Jesus.

Yours in the Vineyard of Christ.
Bro Ben Bassey & the beloved MOW family.
He is a licensed psychiatrist, an interdenominational minister of the word of God and a spiritual health counselor:
tel +44 777 227 6136
Email: benbassey@gmail.com

All scriptures are taken from KJV unless otherwise specified. To know more about the Ministry of the Word(MOW), please register using the Link below and visit the websites:


