Word for Today:
Welcome 2018! Bye Bye 2017!
Ministry Of the Word (MOW): True Spirituality (TS).
Memory Verse
“For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea” ( Habakkuk 2:14)
Dearly Beloved
Let’s give thanks to the Sovereign God for the last day in 2017. The year 2017 was great but 2018 shall be far greater. The year 2018 shall be glorious in Jesus name. Amen.
“My heart is inditing a good matter… my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” ( Psalm 45:1).
God in Jesus Christ has been our love, joy, peace and goodness. He has been our SOURCE. In Him we live, move and have our being ( Acts 17:28).
If you have not been convinced that the Ministry Of the Word ( MOW) is fully connected to the Sovereign God, the Father of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ and our Father, please follow it’s messages with the power of the living God in 2018. God is not a man that he shall lie. God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.
Do not forget to make new year resolutions as you cross over to 2018. Do not compromise on righteousness. Do not be distracted. Share the word of God with others, don’t worry about how the word of God will accomplish his work. He sent his word and healed them… Psalm 107:20.
Ensure you put on the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:13-18), as God leads us into 2018. Ensure you flush out sadness, fear, anger, hatred, bitterness and laxity.
Refuse to be distracted in 2018. Keep your focus on Word. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).
Stay connected to JESUS, the Word in 2018. Be enlightened.
The year 2018, I declare to you that the entire earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD in accordance with the word of God.
If you are not yet a DISCIPLE , AMBASSADOR and a MISSIONARY for Jesus Christ, please wake up!
Keep your thoughts & mind positive/ healthy.
Ensure you think no evil against anyone.
Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
Be compassionate and kind to one another.
Thank you JESUS for victories in 2017. Thank you JESUS for crossing over with us to 2018.
Prayer Point
Dear Father, we pray for everyone sincerely connected to your Word, that their 2018 shall be glorious in Jesus name. Amen.
Yours in the Vineyard of Christ.
Bro Ben Bassey & the beloved MOW family.
Dr Ben Bassey is a licensed psychiatrist and a spiritual health counselor:
Email: benbassey@gmail.com
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