Fulfilling Chris’s Law-by Rev Akaninyene Akpan



“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

I watched a drama presentation in a church just about a year after I got saved that made an imprint on my life. In it, Christians were running as in a race. In the course of the race, some became so weak and after some time, lacked the energy to continue running. Instead of allowing them to fall aside which they attempted to as a result of their inability to go on, those who were still very strong and full of energy, repeatedly cheered them up to keep up. But at a point, they had to virtually carry them by any means possible, some on their shoulders, some by knotting their arms to that of the weak fellows and dragged along till they got to the finishing point. It was such an emotional scene to watch.

What that drama depicted was the fact that in the Christian race, there’s bound to be those who in the course of running race, face some challenges that may likely jeopardize their chance of running to the end and make it to heaven. And on the other hand, there certainly will be those who are at advantage position. And it is expected that they will express the agape love that binds them together by doing everything possible to encourage them to continue in the race till the end.

This underscores the command above in our text, Galatians 6:2. Carrying each other’s burden in the heavenly race is one way of fulfilling the law of Christ. And it takes the sincere love of God, according to 1Peter 1:22 to carry another’s burden. Jesus says “My command is this: love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12).

In Matthew 22 reading from verse 35, a lawyer confronted Jesus, demanding to know the great commandment in the law. Jesus told him to love the Lord his God with all his heart, soul, and mind. He went further to state that the result of that will be to love his neighbour as himself. What it means is that, what you’ll like happen to you, see to it that it happens to “your brother” and vice versa. By the implication of this we will carry each other’s burden, and hence fulfill the law of Christ. And this is true spirituality.

In John 13:34-35, Jesus reiterated the essence, the imperative, and the indispensability of love in the Christendom. “A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another”. Notice the word “MUST” in that statement. It connotes compulsion or absolute necessity. Let’s see why that command is very necessary: “By this will all men know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”.

Beloved, let’s endeavor to fulfill this very essential law. It is an indication that we really believe in heaven and are ready to do all within our ability to carry others along to eventually end up there. Won’t it be such an unspeakable joy to meet with those we helped to make it to heaven when finally we shall meet over there?

Let’s ask God for the grace to be able to live up to His expectation in this respect.

God bless you.



Rev Akaninyene Akpan, Faith Activation Ministry, in partnership with the Ministry Of the Word.