MOW-True Spirituality
Ministry of the Word (MOW)
Improving our Spiritual Understanding
Theme: It is Time for Self -Examination!
Memory Verse: ‘Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves…’ (2 Cor 13:5).
Without sincere and honest relationship with God in Christ Jesus, it’s difficult for the grace and blessings of God to flow in our lives. The new thing the Lord is doing in your life requires sincere, honest self-examination.
Apostle Paul admonishes us : ‘Examine Yourselves to see if you are in the faith…’ (2Cor 13:5).
God is a wise builder. We are co-labourers with Him. He is looking for diligent and sincere workers to work with Him. The Word says: “For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building” (1Cor 3:9). What materials are you allowing God to build you with? Remember that the moment you are born again, you become the son of God in Christ Jesus by grace alone . You are born again of incorruptible word of God: “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever” (1 Pet 1:23).
In the beginning the devil purpose of visiting is to steal, destroy, and kill. The devil is a cony person and a master destroyer (John 10:10). Often times, he uses very indirect approaches like enticement, deceit, seduction, manipulation , blackmail etc, make the person to act contrary to the will of God. Many in the body of Christ today are under the bondage of the devil due to spiritual ignorance but they do not know it. Many are in captivity of fear, worries, laziness, coldness, grumbling, complaining, unforgiveness, talkativeness etc.
We pray that every plant that our heavenly Father has not planted in your body, soul and spirit shall be rooted up in Jesus Mighty Name (Matt 15:13). Amen.
Do you have unresolved anger or hatred towards anyone? You might call it righteous anger. Do you have unresolved bitterness against anyone? What about envy? What about pride? What about indiscipline or lack of self-control? Yours may not be any of these. Oh, what about laziness? What about procrastination? What about miserliness? What of fear? What about doubt ? What about frequent errors or mistakes in what you do? What of occasional little lies? What about lack of zeal or passion for the word of God? What about oversleeping? What about eating too much? Songs of Solomon 2:15 talks of ‘the little foxes that spoil the vines’. Be open, honest, sincere and transparent with yourself in analysis of your thoughts and feelings.
If only you allow Him, God is working through you in a way that will amaze even yourself. We stand on the word of God that declares: “Behold ye among the heathen,and regard, and wonder marvellously:for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you” (Hab 1:5).
Be transparent in your thoughts, words and actions. The kingdom of God is glorious light with no trace of darkness. Henceforth, may no evil force operate in your body, soul and spirit in Jesus Name. Amen.
Grace & peace be multiplied to in Jesus name. Amen. Have a blessed week.
To have increasing spiritual knowledge, requires total fear of God, and spiritual training in the word of God: Train yourself to be godly(1Tim 4:7-8 NIV). Please, key into the Word of God Ministry.
Have a Spirit-filled week and for the rest of the year.
To grow spiritually requires daily meditation with the word of God (Joshua 1:8) and seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness (Matthew 6:33). However, the first thing you must desire greatly is total spiritual freedom through the truth in the word of God ( John 8:32, 36). Thereafter, ask God for sanctification by the truth in His word ( John 17:17).
Prayer: There is someone reading this message, receive the grace to to be sincere and transparent in your self examination using the light in the word of God inJesus mighty name. Amen
Yours in the Vineyard of Jesus Christ. Ben Bassey, Iyobosa, Esther & the beloved MOW family network.
Spiritual Health Counselling Helpline: +447404624293.
Personal :
Bro Ben Bassey is a psychiatrist and a spiritual health counsellor based in the UK. He ministers to people regularly through the MOW, WordPress Ministry and AHF. He is a true disciple, teacher, evangelist, prophet, missionary, and ambassador for JESUS CHRIST. He has a passion for the Word of God and a strong Defender of the Truth.
To further enrich yourself with spiritual health information, please visit:
MOW web:
AHF web:
The Ministry of the Word and the WordPress Ministry are the spiritual arms of AHF. They are in divine partnership with the Redeemed Christian Church of Church (RCCG), Mountain of Fire & Miracles (MFM ) & the Living Faith ( Winners Chapel). We encourage you to fellowship with any of their parishes, if you are looking for a spiritual place of worship.
All scriptures are taken from King James Version (KJV).