*Topic*: Do You Need More Faith? – by Pastor Raphael


*Text*: Romans 10:17

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 (KJV)

Exercising your faith continually grows it to a point that it becomes strong enough to accomplish your every heartfelt desire. No child of God can serve God effectively without faith; without faith, it will be impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). You need faith to activate the power of God to get things done. Every child of God has faith; it was planted in your spirit the moment you became born again.

Beloved, what you need to do with the faith planted in you is to keep exercising it. Any time you hear God’s Word, faith comes to you; it is up to you to discern it and act upon the Word of God as evidence of your faith, and God will honor His Word in your life. Increase your faith by hearing more of God’s Word and putting what you hear into practice, and your faith will become strong to accomplish every task assigned to you (Romans 10:17). Hallelujah! Be Faithful!


Father of my faith, thank You for teaching me about faith today. Indeed, without faith, it is impossible to please You. Please lead me to search for holy scriptures that minister to my needs and faith, to keep exercising my faith to attain a strong faith to accomplish greater works for You in Jesus’ name. Amen!
